It Is Possible

Dawn Ford, Executive Director, Hope International

Regardless of the adoption program you choose, you should read these top 5 considerations for adoption.

  1. There are children in each of the countries in which we work who are in need of loving, adoptive homes.
  2. The vast majority of the children we have placed – regardless of country of origin – have adjusted remarkably well. Further, we are here to help educate you about your adoption decisions and can provide post placement referrals when necessary/appropriate.
  3. This will be a life changing, mind-broadening experience. Travel will be involved, and although it won’t be a vacation many of our families thoroughly enjoy the opportunity to experience another culture and to learn about the history of their child’s birth country.
  4. Our average fall-through rate (country changes adoption laws and family is unable to adopt that particular child, child becomes unavailable for placement, placement disrupts following placement, etc) is less than 3% regardless of program.
  5. The majority of the families who contact us are intially unsure of how they will finance their adoption. We have seen families utilize crowdfunding websites, adoption fundraisers, or donations from nonprofits, friends, and family to fund their adoption.

Get in touch with
Hope International

Call us at 214-672-9399 or contact us using this form:

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