Olivia’s parents have always felt a passion and calling to adopt a child who needed a home. After initially considering a domestic adoption, they realized the immense need of orphans living internationally, and chose to pursue an adoption from the Republic of Congo through Hope International. In 2013, this family was matched with 4 month old Olivia, who was living in an orphanage in Congo.
In 2013, the family made their first trip to Congo to meet their daughter, Olivia. “We walked into the orphanage and they immediately handed Olivia to us.

“We walked into the orphanage and they immediately handed Olivia to us. She was very happy and affectionate, she was precious.”
Olivia’s Parents
She was very happy and affectionate, she was precious,” they recall after meeting her the first time. Over the next two years, they made several trips to Congo to continue to bond with Olivia while also providing love and support for the other orphans living alongside their little girl. Olivia’s parents made a point of bringing their biological daughter with them to meet Olivia and see the orphanage. This was particularly impactful for her, who said “I saw her and I couldn’t believe it. It was amazing!”
In 2015, Olivia’s mom and dad were finally granted clearance by the U.S. Embassy to bring Olivia home to Texas! She’s now been home for 7 months, and is thriving with her family. They describe her as a joyful child who is active, kind and goes out of her way to share with her siblings. “She’s always dancing and singing around the house. People ask us if she’s ever not happy,” her mom joked. Since Olivia arrived home, they have seen her develop a sense of security and confidence that wasn’t present when she was at the orphanage. “God has blended her into our family so perfectly, and now we all have that joy,” her dad shared. “To see her happiness and her growth has been a joy.”