Domestic Adoption Information

Domestic Adoptions

An identified adoption (also known as a designated adoption) is an adoption in which the prospective adoptive family locates the expectant mother through sources other than Hope, yet needs the services of a licensed agency because the expectant mother needs living expenses. Prospective adoptive parents are not allowed to provide living expenses to an expectant mother directly. At Hope, we can handle identified adoptions and facilitate such placements by offering counseling, agency, and legal services when an expectant mother lives in Texas. If the prospective adoptive parents also live in Texas, we can provide home study services as well.

When an expectant mother contacts Hope and has not yet selected an adoptive family, as a licensed agency, Hope can provide the expectant mother with profiles of eligible families. Once a match is made, Hope will continue to facilitate the adoption process.

The expectant mother and father will receive counseling and support. We also facilitate tough conversations, including discussing financial assistance for living and medical expenses and what post-placement contact will look like. Our attorneys will conduct all of the necessary legal work to complete the adoption.


Qualifications for Adopting in Texas

  1. The prospective adoptive parents must have an approved home study from their state.
  2. Both married and single persons may adopt.
  3. Prospective adoptive parents must be at least 21 years old.
  4. Prospective adoptive parents must have no significant criminal history.
  5. Prospective adoptive parents must be in good physical and mental health.
  6. Prospective adoptive parents should have adequate financial resources to care for the adopted child and current family.

Get in touch with
Hope International

Call us at 214-672-9399 or contact us using this form:

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