
Learn more below about the differences of post-adoption and post-placement services.

Post-Placement versus Post-Adoption

Post-adoption supervision occurs when an adoption is finalized in a foreign country. Post-placement supervision is required when you adopt domestically or when an adoption is not finalized in the foreign country, and therefore must be completed in the United States.

Post-Placement Supervision

When you return home, Hope International or your home study agency will provide post-placement supervision as required by the State of Texas (or your state of residence) so that your adoption can be finalized. At the completion of the initial six-month post-placement period, you will be ready to proceed with your adoption finalization.

Adoption Finalization

For an international adoption in which the child entered the U.S. on an IR4 or HR4 visa and all domestic adoptions, you must finalize the adoption via your state regulations. For international adoptions, this finalization is needed in order to apply for the child’s U.S. citizenship. For Texas adoptions, you may finalize the adoption after a six-month supervisory period. Hope International will help facilitate this process for Texas families. If you reside outside of Texas, we recommend that you contact a member of the American Academy of Adoption Attorneys (AAAA) regarding the adoption finalization in your state.


For an international adoption, even when the adoption is finalized in the foreign country, Hope International or your home study agency will provide post-adoption supervision as required by your state of residence and the foreign country. During this time, your social worker will offer support and resources related to education, counseling, attachment, and other areas as needed.

Registration of Foreign Decree

When an adoption is finalized in a foreign country, at the completion of the initial six-month post-adoption period, you will be ready to proceed with your Registration of Foreign Decree. This process will allow you to change the child’s name if desired and to obtain a Texas birth certificate. Hope International will help facilitate this process for Texas families. If you reside outside of Texas, we recommend that you contact a member of the American Academy of Adoption Attorneys (AAAA) regarding the completion of a registration or re-adoption in your state.

Foreign Reporting Requirements

Each country has different post-adoption report requirements, ranging anywhere from six months  after the child comes to the U.S. to until the child turns 18. Some countries require a social worker to complete the first few reports and then allow parents to complete the final reports.

We’re available

Our small, accessible staff is committed to regular communication with you. We love answering your questions. We’ll know who you are and what your adoption plan is. We will always return your calls.

We’re responsible

We work with you to ensure that reports are done in a timely manner. Complying with post-adoption reports is extremely important to ensure international adoptions can continue.

We’re flexible

We work around your family’s schedule to try to minimize the disruption to your routine in order to facilitate the child’s smooth adjustment.

We’re experienced

We are familiar with meeting the requirements of various states and countries.

What to Expect

  • For each required report, a social worker will make at least one visit to your home
  • The social worker will interview the family to see how things are going and offer resources to help as needed
  • Pictures of the child and family will be gathered or taken
  • You will update the social worker if any major changes have occurred in the family since the last report
  • Supporting documentation about the child may be needed (medical, school, other documents)
  • A caring, professional attitude from Hope’s staff

Get Started Today

We very much look forward to working with you. Schedule a free initial consultation today.


They made me feel as if I was the only one they were working with and my question was the most important thing that they needed to deal with at that time.

Jeff and Joanne

The difference that Hope International has made in our lives is immeasurable.

Nancy and Robert

Haley has the personality that can cheer you up at any given moment and a smile that can light up a room. Haley is the absolute perfect fit for our wacky little family.


We just celebrated our 5th Adoption Day Celebration with Alexis! I can’t believe she is already seven and in first grade.

Beth and Russ

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Hope International

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